wrestlers holding their awards from competition
mike alexander holding a hat and award
CHHS and GHS Celebrate Student Athletes on National Signing Day
chhs and ghs vocal ensembles standing on a riser
student using a computer and pointing
hs team winning and holding medals and a plaque
baseball team all posing on the field
Chole sirkin holding a medal from golf
student taking the bezel off of a laptop for repair
emily ramser pictured with glasses on
Adam burlison standing on track with finger in a number 1 shape after winning
Eric Tong, pictured in front of visitors entrance to buildling
example of a students art with a person with a ribbon wrapped around their eyes with birds in the background
charity mcconnell pictured
high school baseball team all standing on the field
art shown from  state reflection awards
student playing esports competitively
kylie himes and adam burlison
softball team all standing together posing with peace signs
signing day students holding up certificates in front of backdrop