The District offices are closed July 3 through July 7 in observance of the July 4 holiday. Please have a fun and safe break. #WeAreGCISD

Are you ready for an exciting new career?
Join the GCISD support staff team! Attend our GCISD Job Fair on Wednesday, July 19 from 2-5 p.m. in the administration building. We have various positions open which have new starting salaries, full benefits and weekends off. #WeAreGCISD
Learn more by visiting our website: https://grapevinecolleyville.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx

Although GCISD’s enrichment camps are entering their last week, there are still many athletics and e-sports camps remaining. Check out our website to learn more about some of the fun summer camps happening in GCISD.

At the June 20 Board of Trustees meeting, Dr. Kalee McMullen was approved as the new Executive Director of Instructional Leadership for Grapevine-Colleyville ISD. #WeAreGCISD
Learn more: https://www.gcisd.net/news/what_s_new/new_executive_director_of_instructional_leadership

Registration for the 2023-2024 school year for all students is now open. While parents are able to register up until the first day of school, enrollment numbers help with planning purposes so don’t delay – enroll today! Learn more about registration through the link below.

Reminder: Starting today, Skyward Parent Portal is requiring that passwords be updated before logging in. This is a standard security measure by the vendor. No security breach has been detected. The security update is a proactive step to make sure district data remains safe.

Grapevine High School teacher Charity McConnell has been named a recipient of the Colin Powell Award by Our Community Salutes, a national non-profit organization.
Learn more: https://www.gcisd.net/news/what_s_new/g_h_s_teacher_honored_with_the_colin_powell_award

Votes have been tallied for GCISD's Board of Trustees Election.
Visit the following link for unofficial results: https://www.gcisd.net/news/what_s_new/votes_tallied_for_may_2023_trustee_election

Grapevine-Colleyville ISD has announced that Derick Sibley will become the new Chief Financial Officer. Trustees approved the appointment at the April 14 Special Board of Trustees Meeting.
Learn more: https://www.gcisd.net/news/what_s_new/g_c_i_s_d_names_chief_financial_officer

At the April 14 Special Board of Trustees Meeting, Superintendent Dr. Brad Schnautz will recommend Bob DeBesse for the position of Boys’ Athletic Coordinator and Head Football Coach at Grapevine High School.
Read the full story: https://gcisd.net/news/what_s_new/de_besse_recommend_as_g_h_s_head_football_coach

Congratulations to the Grapevine High School Competitive Robotics team for winning the bronze medal at the First Tech Challenge UIL State Championship held March 24.
Learn more: https://www.gcisd.net/news/what_s_new/g_h_s_robotics_wins_third_place_at_state

⚜️Gold Card Meeting Update⚜️
Our next Gold Card Meeting has been moved to April 18 at 3 p.m. GCISD residents who are 65 years or older are invited to join us at the Administration building for a short meeting about the Gold Card Program. Members will receive free general admission to all athletic (excluding playoffs), theatrical productions and musical events hosted by GCISD.

Get ready for registration!
Registration for the 2023-2024 school year will open Monday, April 3, for new students while returning student registration will open Monday, May 1, and will remain open through Friday, May 19.
Click here to learn more: https://tinyurl.com/gcisd-registration

⭐Good News Alert⭐
More than 80 GCISD students from Colleyville Heritage and Grapevine High School advanced to compete at the state DECA competition and 19 returned as first-place champions. Comment below to congratulate them! #WeAreGCISD
Check out the full story: https://www.gcisd.net/news/what_s_new/19_d_e_c_a_students_named_state_champions

At Monday evening’s Regular Board of Trustees Meeting, Lone Finalist for Superintendent Dr. Brad Schnautz will recommend Jerry Edwards for the position of Boys’ Athletic Coordinator and Head Football coach at Colleyville Heritage High School.
Learn more: https://www.gcisd.net/news/what_s_new/g_c_i_s_d_recommends_new_c_h_h_s_football_coach

The first registration window for Math Telescoping is now open and it closes on March 30. If you are interested in Math Telescoping, please visit our website: https://www.gcisd.net/students/acceleration_exams/math_telescoping_exams-_grades_k-7

At the March 27 Board Meeting, a proposed purchase list of library materials will be reviewed for approval. Please click the link below to review the list.