Enrollment & Registration
Welcome to Grapevine-Colleyville ISD! You can use this site to find information about enrolling your student in one of our schools – no matter if he or she is new to our District or has previously attended a GCISD school. If you have a question and can’t find the answer here, please contact your campus’ data secretary.
GCISD attendance areas include designated sections of Grapevine, Colleyville, Euless, and Hurst. Students are required to attend a specific elementary, middle and high school, based on the address of the student's residency. Attendance Area Maps show which areas are assigned to specific schools. Families should only register for their zoned campus. GCISD does not accept fees for attendance by students who live outside of the district. Students whose parent or legal guardian lives within the City of Grapevine or the City of Colleyville but are zoned to attend neighboring districts may submit a non-resident interdistrict transfer request to attend GCISD as space permits.
GCISD utilizes Skyward Family and Student Access for its online registration process. Skyward Family and Student Access is a free web-based application that allows parents and guardians online access to registration, their child's grades, assignments, attendance, schedules, emergency information, and more. For more information on Skyward Family and Student Access, visit our complete information page. Families may ONLY register for their zoned campus.
For more information and to begin registration, click the above button that applies to your student.
It is generally the policy of GCISD that a student is required to attend the school designated for the attendance area in which the student resides, as stated above. However, a parent, legal guardian or lawful custodian of a student may request a transfer based upon exceptional circumstances and for justifiable reasons. A student is allowed only one campus transfer per school year, and may, at the end of the semester transfer back to the campus in the student's attendance zone. Approved transfers remain in effect until the student completes the grade levels serviced by that school unless the transfer is revoked. GCISD FDB(LOCAL)
Returning Student Registration
Returning student registration is open! While parents are able to register up until the first day of school, parents are encouraged to register as soon as possible to help the district gather enrollment numbers for planning purposes.
To register a returning student click here. Prior to completing online registration, students enrolling in pre-kindergarten must have completed a separate online application, which may be found here.
Families needing assistance with registration for the 2024-2025 school year should contact the campus registrar. Families who need additional assistance or have specific questions or concerns, should contact their campus directly.
For more information, visit GCISD’s 2024-2025 registration page.
La inscripción para estudiantes de GCISD que regresan el próximo año escolar abre el lunes, 8 de abril
La inscripción de estudiantes que regresan el próximo año escolar se abrirá el lunes, 8 de abril. Aunque los padres pueden inscribir a sus hijos hasta el primer día de clases, se les anima a inscribirse antes del viernes, 17 de mayo, para ayudar al distrito a recopilar los números de inscripción lo antes posible con fines de planificación.
Para inscribir a un estudiante que regresa el próximo año escolar haga clic aquí. Antes de completar la inscripción en línea, los estudiantes que se inscriban en pre-kínder deben haber completado una solicitud por separado en línea, la que se puede encontrar aquí.
Las familias que necesiten ayuda con la inscripción para el año escolar 2024-2025 deben ponerse en contacto con la registradora o el registrador de la escuela. Las familias que necesitan ayuda adicional o tengan preguntas o inquitudes específicas, deben comunicarse directamente con su campus.
New Student Registration 2024-2025
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open for new students, including pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students. To register a new student click here. Prior to completing online registration, students enrolling in pre-kindergarten must have completed a separate online application, which may be found here.