Beloved author Jan Brett, creator of classic winter novels like "The Mitten" and "Gingerbread Baby", is coming to Grapevine! The Grapevine Public Library is hosting her at First Methodist Grapevine on December 7 at 5:00 pm. Tickets are free, but reservations are required. For more information click here: ¡El estimado autor, Jan Brett, creador de las novelas clásicas de invierno "The Mitten" y "Gingerbread Baby", vendrá a Grapevine! La Biblioteca Pública de Grapevine la recibirá en First Methodist Grapevine el 7 de diciembre a las 5:00pm. Las entradas son gratuitas, pero es necesario reservar su espacio. Para obtener más información, haga clic aquí:
10 months ago, Timberline Elementary
Poster for "Jan Brett on her Winter Wonderland Tour". Poster includes information from this post, an author photo, and some of her illustrations.
Congratulations to Timberline Tigers who participated in the Paint a Smile Art Contest at Stellar Smiles Orthodontics this weekend! The following students won first prize in their grade level: Patrick C, Andrea C, Pearl F, Ximena E, and Kevin G!
11 months ago, Timberline Elementary
A collage of student artwork
Student Patrick C poses wearing a medal
Kevin G poses with the staff of Stellar Smiles Ortho and Sra Hernandez
Ximena E poses with her family and the staff of Stellar Smiles Ortho
Sra Hernandez poses with a Minion and the staff of Stellar Smiles Ortho
Andrea poses with Sra Hernandez and a Minion
Tomorrow is college colors day! Show your spirit by wearing a college shirt OR a shirt with the colors from your favorite college. ¡Mañana es el día de los colores universitarios! Muestra tu espíritu usando una camiseta universitaria o una camiseta con los colores de tu universidad favorita.
11 months ago, Timberline Elementary
College Colors Day, Dia de los colores universitarios, November 3.
Don't forget, tomorrow is Picture Day! No lo olvides, ¡mañana es el día de las fotos!
11 months ago, Timberline Elementary
Text: Reminder, tomorrow is picture day! Image: An old fashioned camera on a pink background
We will see you on Thursday night for our monthly PTA Meeting and Pajama Read-a-Rama! Kids will hear read alouds and get to do a craft while their parents meet. Kids are welcome to bring pillows and blankets!
11 months ago, Timberline Elementary
Pajama Read-a-Rama & PTA Meeting, Thursday 10/26 from 6:30-7:30 in TES Cafeteria
All buses have been able to begin their routes and we are expecting no more than a 15 minute delay. Thank you!
11 months ago, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
This morning, the fire alarm was going off at GCISD's Transportation Building as bus drivers were arriving. The fire department is on the scene and staff is currently waiting for the all clear. However, all bus routes across the district will be delayed this morning. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
11 months ago, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
It's Digital Citizenship Week! Today's topic is Media Literacy. Talk to your kids about thinking about what they see and hear online. Is it true? Is it helpful? Is the person posting it trustworthy?
11 months ago, Timberline Elementary
Digital Citizenship Week: Friday. Media Literacy is the ability to analyze and evaluate the messages conveyed through all forms of media.
It's Digital Citizenship Week! Today's theme is Digital Footprint. This week in the library students are learning about how their activity on the internet leaves a PERMANENT trail behind. Talk to your kids about why it's important to have a positive digital footprint.
11 months ago, Timberline Elementary
Digital Citizenship Week: Thursday. Whenever you use the internet, you leave behind a trail of information called your Digital Footprint.
GCISD’s Nutrition Services is pleased to announce that parents can now download the MySchoolBucks app to make online prepayments on their child’s school meal account and view transactions. There is a $2.75 processing fee for each transaction. Learn more:
11 months ago, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
My School Bucks
Thank you to the Grapevine Fire Department for coming out and teacher our Tigers all about fire safety! We had so much fun learning with you!
11 months ago, Timberline Elementary
Firemen dressed as cowboys perform in front of cafeteria full of students
A fireman wearing a funny hat gives high fives to young TES students.
A fireman wearing a funny hat gives high fives to young TES students.
A cafeteria full of students raise their hands in response to questions from firemen on stage.
It's Digital Citizenship Week! Today's theme is cyberbullying. Talk to your students about what cyberbullying is, and what to do if they or someone they know is being bullied online.
11 months ago, Timberline Elementary
Digital Citizenship Week: Wednesday. Fight cyberbullying by telling a trusted adult if someone is saying hurtful things to you or someone else online.
It's Digital Citizenship Week! Today's theme is privacy. Talk to your kids about the importance of having a strong password and keeping it secret.
12 months ago, Timberline Elementary
Digital Citizenship Week: Tuesday. Protect your privacy by not sharing passwords or personal information.
It's Digital Citizenship Week! Today's theme is Media Balance. Talk to your kids about making time for their real-life family and friends.
12 months ago, Timberline Elementary
Digital Citizenship Week: Monday. Relationships with people in your life are more important than the ones online. Make time for your family and friends!
Dr. J and the wonderful staff of Stellar Smiles Ortho is sponsoring the Paint a Smile Art Contest for all elementary schools in GCISD! Paint a smile on anything! A house, an animal, a tree, ANYTHING! Awards and prizes will be announced on November 4.
12 months ago, Timberline Elementary
Text: Paint a Smile Art Contest; Images: An apple, sun, popsicle, glue bottle, and cactus with smiling faces.
Paint a smile art contest entry form in English
Text: Concurso de arte pinta una sonrisa ; Images: An apple, sun, popsicle, glue bottle, and cactus with smiling faces.
Paint a smile entry form in Spanish.
Are you ready to get to know our next principal highlight? Say hello to Mrs. Hilcher of Timberline Elementary School. The best advice she has ever received is to leave a place or a situation better than how you found it. Comment below and let Principal Hilcher know how much we appreciate her. #WeAreGCISD
12 months ago, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
What colleges did you go to?  The University of Texas at Austin & The University of Texas at Arlington What do you like about being a principal?  It is truly a privilege to be around kids each day and to watch them learn and explore the world around them! What's the best advice you've ever received?  To leave a place or a situation better than how you found it.  If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be? To be bilingual and speak Spanish fluently.
Reminder: Monday, October 9, is a student and teacher holiday. This includes all schools except Collegiate Academy. The District office will remain open, and we will welcome everyone back to school on Tuesday, October 10. Enjoy the three-day weekend.
12 months ago, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
No School on Monday, October 9
The Kindness Patrol made the rounds at Timberline today! Kids who were caught being kind in the month of September were celebrated in front of their whole class with music, awards, and prizes. Way to go Tigers!
12 months ago, Timberline Elementary
Two students pose with award certificates and stuffed pizza prizes.
October 2 is World Bullying Prevention Day. Join GCISD in wearing blue shirts and boots to kick off the 17th Annual World Day of Bullying Prevention. #WeAreGCISD
12 months ago, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
October 2 is World Bullying Prevention Day. Join GCISD in wearing blue shirts and boots to kick off the 17th Annual World Day of Bullying Prevention. #WeAreGCISD
PTA Fundraiser, Thursday October 5 at Freebirds World Burrito! ¡Recolección de fondos para PTA, jueves 5 de octubre a Freebirds World Burrito!
about 1 year ago, Timberline Elementary
Burritos for Good, Timberline Elementary PTA, Thursday October 5 2023, 5 PM - 8 PM, Freebirds World Burrito, 1501 William D. Tate Avenue