A picture of a blast of gold confetti coming from the bottom left corner with the words "Congrats to the awardees of the Grapevine Rotary Spirit Award. 1st Nine Weeks. Presented by the Rotary Club of Grapevine" written in front.

The six awardees and Mrs. Alexander and Ms. Allison at the Rotary Club Lunch

Congratulations to the 1st Nine Weeks Grapevine Rotary Spirit Awardees!

The Grapevine Rotary Spirit Awards are given to two GMS students from each grade level every quarter (Nine Weeks.) These are students who embody the qualities of citizenship, dedication, motivation, honesty, fairness, kindness, and problem solving. The students are nominated by their teachers at the end of each quarter. The recipients were honored by the Grapevine Rotary at an off-campus luncheon to celebrate their outstanding qualities.

The awardees for the 1st Nine Weeks are: 

Bella Cooper and Thomas Wimer from 6th grade. 

Hitoki Cakmis and Isaiah Cardona from 7th grade. 

Desmond Smith and Kailah Snell from 8th grade.

Thank you to the Rotary Club of Grapevine for hosting and presenting the awards for our students!