GCISD Career and Technical Education students in Future Farmers of America (FFA) competed at the Tarrant County Junior Livestock Show and Youth Fair, Tuesday, February 25-Saturday, March 1, where seven students, including a junior FFA member, earned Grand Champion, or Reserve Grand Champion, considered to be the most notable recognitions. Several students also made sale. Junior FFA members are students who are in third grade and eight years of age or older.
High School FFA Awards:
Elizabeth Baker, Grapevine High School, Middleweight Market Goat Division Reserve Champion
Keaton Gilbreath, Bridges Accelerated Learning Center, British Breed Grand Champion Market Steer
Kal Idewu, Grapevine High School, Light OPD Breed Market Swine Reserve Champion
Addison Moloughney, Grapevine High School, LightWeight Market Goat Division Grand Champion, Dorper Breeding Sheep Grand Champion
Avery Moreland, Grapevine High School, Youth Fair Art Division Grand Champion, American Breed Heifer Grand Champion
Olivia Singleton, Colleyville Heritage High School, Overall Grand Champion Market Steer, European Breed Grand Champion Market Steer
Junior FFA Awards:
Hope Douglas, Colleyville Elementary, Lightweight Market Goat Division Reserve Champion
High School FFA Sale:
Madelyn Ames, Grapevine High School, Swine
Elizabeth Baker, Grapevine High School, Goat
Peyton Baker, Grapevine High School, Swine
Jonathan Davalos, Colleyville Heritage High School,Goat
Ashley Frederick, Colleyville Heritage High School, Steer
William Fry, Grapevine High School, Swine
Sarah Gallian, Grapevine High School, Goat
Keaton Gilbreath, Bridges Accelerated Learning Center, Steer
Kal Idewu, Grapevine High School, Swine
Ryleigh Jenkins, Colleyville Heritage High School, Rabbit
Kalli Koester, Colleyville Heritage High School, Swine
Sophia Liszewski, Grapevine High School, Goat
Madeline Meyers, Grapevine High School, Goat
Addison Moloughney, Grapevine High School, Goat
Olivia Singleton, Colleyville Heritage High School, Steer
Lily Soine, Grapevine High School, Rabbit
Trace Wright, Grapevine High School, Swine
Junior FFA Sale:
Hope Douglas, Colleyville Elementary School, Goat
Brynnley Schuster, Colleyville Middle School, Rabbit
Sadie Weier, Cross Timbers Middle School, Goat
Analyse Westendorf, Colleyville Middle School, Rabbit
Texas is home to the nation's largest state FFA association with more than 170,000 members. To be eligible for active membership in a chartered FFA chapter in Texas, a student must be enrolled in a secondary agricultural education program. GCISD’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) program offers Agricultural, Technology and Mechanical Systems as a program of study.