Heritage Elementary School celebrated its annual One School One Book program throughout January. This year’s book was “The Sasquatch Escape,” a tale about a mythical creature who escaped a veterinary hospital.
Throughout the month students participated in creative activities centered around the book during their specials rotations like music, library and art. Students created Lego creatures and unlocked mysteries through coding. Toward the end of the program families were invited to Family Night, where families engaged in the same activities that students were involved in over the course of the book.
“One of the things that I love about One School One Book, is that it ties our school community with our families more,” said Emily Wallace, librarian at HES. “Everyone is talking about the book and is excited about reading.”
Since animals were characters in the book, HES wanted to make a positive impact within their community that was somehow tied to animals. Students and families were encouraged to bring animal food to donate to Grapevine Animal Services and the Euless Animal Shelter.
Madeline Oliver, a former HES student who is now the volunteer and outreach coordinator of Grapevine Animal Services said, “It was so kind that the school is so invested in our community and instilling philanthropic work through the students.”