Adults walking hallway

GCISD’s Bond Advisory Committee kicks off in mid-August and to prepare for the work ahead, committee members were invited to tour campuses and district facilities July 31 and August 1. 

Comprised of parents, community constituents, and campus and district staff, the Bond Advisory Committee will meet throughout the coming months to study and prioritize ways to create the best possible learning environment for GCISD students. They will consider the district’s financial position and strategic plan as it relates to programs for students, facilities, infrastructure, technology, security, and other areas for a potential May 2024 bond package.

The Bond Advisory Committee is the second of two committees. The first committee, the Long-Range Planning Committee, met from February through June, to create a master facilities plan for GCISD. They studied, discussed and reviewed 2,500 line items of project needs based on feedback from across the district as well as an independent facilities needs assessment.

“Similar to the Long-Range Planning Committee, the Bond Advisory Committee will also have the opportunity to learn about facility conditions, needs in the learning environment, educational programs and goals, department capital requests and priorities and future needs in technology,” Chief Operations Officer Paula Barbaroux said. “The Bond Advisory Committee will also go deeper into GCISD’s bond history, school finance, current financing costs and tax rate implications of various amounts, in particular after the recent legislative session.”

GCISD will also conduct a community survey to gauge sentiment on potential projects and bond costs with results provided to the Bond Advisory Committee and GCISD Board of Trustees. 

All Bond Advisory Committee meetings will be recorded, and videos, along with presentations and meeting summaries will be posted online. Stay informed by visiting the district’s Bond Advisory Committee page at

Applications for the Bond Advisory Committee were accepted through 8 a.m. Friday, August 4. The link to the online application was on the district’s Bond Advisory Committee page.