Any elementary school during the morning drop off hour can be quite a chaotic time. The carpool lines are full, students are rushing to catch up to their friends, and teachers can be seen welcoming students back for another day at school. But amidst the organized chaos at Glenhope Elementary, it was hard to ignore the young group of students gathered in the main hallway wearing bright yellow shirts.
In December 2022, GHES teacher Kimberly Graham, sadly passed away. Inspired by the passion that Graham had for dogs, ASPIRE students, on the Smiley Committee, decided to sell t-shirts to community members to raise money for Operation Kindness, a local animal shelter, in her honor.
“I never would've ever thought I could do that,” said one student about the fundraiser. “It makes us feel very proud, and that we helped our world become a better place. We have learned that you don't need to be a grown-up, all it takes to help out our community is hard work, and wanting to make a difference.”
When the fundraiser was finished the students raised close to $1,000, which will be used for veterinary care, shelter, and food for animals at Operation Kindness.
“At the beginning of the fundraiser it was really hard, and we wanted to quit, but if we didn't push through that, and persevere, we never would've gotten to where we are right now,” the student added. “I know that the beginning is always hard, but if you just work through all of the things in the way, you will be very proud. Like how you have to push through the rain, if you want to see the rainbow. And I am so happy with what we have accomplished.”
Last summer the Smiley Committee also raised money to buy toys and other needs for Cook Children’s Hospital.
Christina Hayes, Smiley Committee sponsor added,“I am so proud of what these students accomplished. It proves that, even at a young age, a child can make a difference in our world. What's more, I know these students will continue their community service work beyond this school year - it is obvious they have a servant's heart and know the impact of this important work.”
A Good Deed For A Good Dog
July 13, 2023