For the past month, Heritage Elementary School’s (HES) students, staff and families have been reading a book about superheroes, called “Almost Super,” but some would say that their recent act of kindness makes them heroes in a different way.
On Thursday, February 9, the school presented the Make-A-Wish Foundation of North Texas a check for $2,716.25. The school raised the money as part of “Coin Wars,” one of several schoolwide at-home activities for families to enjoy together while reading the book. For Coin Wars, students were invited to bring coins that would be collected to donate to Make-A-Wish.
“I thought that Make-a-Wish is a great cause because it helps children who are battling so many things to have a little hope and a little happiness in their life,” said fourth grader Lauren Nichols.
She said that Coin Wars was announced to students as they were about to start a chapter that had the two families in the book going into a battle, which would be something that would affect other people, just like HES was doing through Coin Wars.
“The chapter ended with no one getting hurt so it was a really good chapter,” Nichols added.
She related that back to how their Coin Wars ended.
“We were able to do great things for other people by granting wishes for children.”
Emily O’Brien, community events manager for Make-a-Wish Foundation of North Texas, who accepted the check on behalf of Make-a-Wish expressed appreciation to HES.
“This is incredible to see young students come together to care about someone else and care about people in their community who are having a hard time and want to bring them joy.”

Heritage Elementary School Gives to Make-A-Wish Foundation
July 13, 2023