Five GCISD seniors had the opportunity this summer to experience firsthand what it’s like to run for office and learn about the fundamentals of government, all in a mock setting that is part of Texas Girls State and Texas Boys State programs, respectively, sponsored by the American Legion.
“The experience was excellent,” Colleyville Heritage High School senior Nicole Namy stated. “From 8 a.m. to 10-11 p.m., we were immersed in government, party pride, and legislation, which educated us and allowed us to form pride in fulfilling our civic duties. It was fun making so many new friends from all over Texas!”
During the weeklong programs, students had the opportunity to run for mock offices, create fictional political parties and learn about the duties and responsibilities of being a United States citizen. Boys State was held June 9-June 14 at the University of Texas at Austin while Girls State took place June 16-June 22 at Texas Lutheran University in Seguin.
Boys State participant and Grapevine High School senior Louden Park, who ran for sheriff, said that he enjoyed “learning the process of running for an elected position and having to meet, interact with and gain trust/signatures for the nomination.”
Over at Girls State, CHHS senior Bridget Steinkamp learned about different elected positions at the city, county, and state level before deciding to run for the role of lieutenant governor. As part of the process, she had to campaign and give speeches, which she said was “an amazing learning experience for me in not only overcoming my fear of public speaking, but also learning about the campaigning process.”
In addition to campaigning for offices, students also engaged in debate.
“We debated bills that my fellow Girls State citizens wrote, affirmatively and negatively, then voted on whether or not the bills would pass on to either a second reading, third reading, or engrossment,” Namy shared. “Further, I voted in every election, including my party's primary election in the city, county and state level elections.”
While it was an intensive program, according to Park, he also recognized the Boys' State has helped by “assisting me to develop the necessary leadership skills required to be a military officer someday. I've also learned how to work with others to achieve what we think is best for the constituents we represent.”
For Namy, her favorite takeaway was “understanding how important it is to vote, especially in city and county-level elections, since that dictates what your city ordinances will look like and who is in a position of power at your county level.”
As Steinkamp said, it’s important to “always be involved ”
Congratulations to the students who were selected to attend:
Texas Girls State
Bridget Steinkamp, CHHS senior
Nicole Namy, CHHS senior
Rory Otto, GHS, senior
Texas Boys State
Ricardo Valverde, GHS senior
Louden Park, GHS senior
*Since students apply individually to be part of Texas Girls State or Boys State, GCISD is not notified of all attendees. If your student attended this summer and you would like their name added to the list of attendees, please reach out to the Communications Department at