Resident Student Transfer Request Policy
Beginning with the 2025-2026 school year, GCISD students shall attend the school in the student’s assigned residential attendance zone. Students in grades 5-12 as of the 2024-2025 school year who are attending a campus other than the one in their attendance zone on a transfer shall be permitted to remain on the previously approved transfer for that campus until their transition year (fifth to sixth grade or eighth to ninth grade). At the transition year, students may apply to continue on a transfer to the next grade level.
Students in grades four and below as of the 2024-2025 school year who are attending a campus other than the one in their attendance zone on a transfer shall be permitted to remain on the previously approved transfer for that campus until their transition year (fifth to sixth grade).
Students in grades four or below, as of the 2024-2025 school year, will attend the middle school in their assigned residential zone and the schools in their assigned residential attendance zone thereafter.
Transfer eligibility for students on a transfer as of 2024-2025:
8th grade (Class of 2029) may apply during the 8th grade transition year only
7th grade (Class of 2030) may apply during the 8th grade transition year only
6th grade (Class of 2031) may apply during the 8th grade transition year only
5th grade (Class of 2032) may apply during both the 5th grade and 8th grade transition years
Those eligible for the resident student transfer during the transition year will receive an application to complete with a deadline leading up to the transition year.