Resident Sibling Student Transfer Request Policy

A student is required to attend the school designated according to the attendance zone in which the student resides. However, under certain circumstances, a Resident sibling student may be permitted to transfer to a school outside of his or her attendance zone to attend the campus where a sibling is attending for 2024-2025. A resident parent/legal guardian of a student sibling may request a transfer from one campus to another.

Siblings of students who have already been placed at a campus through a transfer request or a designated program placement will need to complete a sibling request for transfer and the district will place these Resident students (siblings) after district employee’s children have been placed in their requested campus. All sibling transfers are based on the capacity of the desired campus, as defined in Board Policy.

Non-Resident Sibling Student Transfer Request Policy

Siblings of non-resident transfer students, who have already been placed at a campus through a transfer request or designated program placement, are not required to go through the process to be placed at the same campus as their sibling. However,  parents must complete a request for transfer, and the district shall consider placing the sibling based on established Board factors found in Board Policy FDA(LOCAL). Additionally, non-resident siblings may only be placed after all resident requests have been satisfied.