
GPA is calculated on a 4.0 weighted GPA scale. A weighted scale means additional GPA points are assigned to courses with greater rigor.
In GCISD, we calculate 3 different GPAs following the conclusion of each semester. They are:
1. Ranking weighted 4.0 GPA* (includes only Core, LOTE, and AP courses in GPA calculation),
2. Cumulative weighted 4.0 GPA* (includes all courses taken in high school in GPA calculation), and
3. Unweighted 4.0 GPA* (includes all courses taken in high school with no extra weight attached--uses the on-level scale for all courses regardless of level of rigor).
*Courses taken for high school credit prior to the start of high school, summer school courses taken for credit recovery, correspondence courses, and Credit By Exams (CBEs) are NOT included in GPA calculations.
**All 3 GPA calculations for each semester in high school can be viewed under the "Progress/Report Card & Letters" tab in Skyward Family Access. When viewing GPA calculations, always view the transcripts with the most recent date.
***The ranking weighted 4.0 GPA is the default GPA calculation we run in GCISD and is the transcript housed in Parchment (links below), our district's transcript ordering service. If a student prefers their transcript with their cumulative weighted 4.0 GPA calculation or unweighted 4.0 GPA calculation be housed in Parchment, they will need to fill out a form at the front desk in the counseling office each semester.
Ranking Information
The District shall not calculate or report class rank except for students in the top 10% of a given class as required by state law. Students ranked in the top 10% will have their rank listed on their Ranking Weighted 4.0 transcript viewable in Skyward and on Parchment, our District's transcript ordering service.
GCISD Class Ranking EIC LOCAL Policy