Advanced Academics 

It is the mission of Advanced Academics to identify students with high academic potential, gifts, and talents in order to provide access to opportunities for academic rigor, depth and breadth, college preparation, and acceleration while nurturing healthy social and emotional development.


Advanced Academics students will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced by the development of sophisticated, innovative products and performances that reflect individuality and creativity.

Belief Statements

  • Gifted and talented students require a differentiated curriculum and a variety of program options to meet their unique intellectual, social, and emotional needs.

  • Gifted and talented students can best reach their full potential when given the opportunity to work with their intellectual peers in situations where they can be appropriately challenged and paced.

  • Nontraditional methods must be employed to seek out every eligible student.

  • Well-trained, qualified educators are essential to the success of an exemplary Advanced Academics program.

  • Students’ needs are best met through the collaboration and interaction of students, educators, family, and community.

  • The sophisticated, innovative contributions of our students are vital to our future.