GCISD Summer Programs 2025
Get ready for an unforgettable summer! Whether your child loves adventure, hands-on learning, academics, sports or making new friends, we have something for everyone.
Extended Day Program Summer Camp
Our high-quality, engaging program offers exciting experiences kids love.
This summer will be unforgettable and action-packed with:
Amazing Race Challenges
Special Interest Clubs
Splash Days perfect for summer fun
Time Travel Adventures
Check out our full 2025 calendar of fun themes and activities each week
This is the place to be all summer long!
$225 weekly for EDP Summer Program only
Meals and snacks are provided
May 27-August 12: Option to enroll for individual weeks is also available.
7:15 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday through Friday
Location: Timberline Elementary School
New this Year: EDP Mini Camps
These awesome mini camps will take your summer to the next level! Families may choose to enroll in mini camps only or add it to their EDP camp day. Space is limited. Pricing listed on rate sheet. Location: Timberline Elementary School. Times: 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Soccer Mini Camp (ages 5-8), June 2-6
Quest for the Minibeast: Science Exploration (ages 7-12), June 9-13
Art on the Wild Side (ages 5-7), June 23-27
Volleyball Mini Camp, (ages 8-12), July 7-11
Superhero Story Camp (ages 5-7), July 7-14
One Act at a Time (ages 8-12), July 7-11
Comic Book Creativity (ages 8-12), July 14-18
Unique Careers: When Science and Art Collide (ages 8-12), July 14-18
To register for all EDP summer programs, including mini camps, please log in to your Community Pass account and choose from the options listed. If you are new to EDP and do not currently have a Community Pass account, you will need to create an account.
Have a question about EDP camp or EDP mini camps? Email edp@gcisd.net.
Calling All Future MVPs and Sports Superstars: Check Out Our Athletic Camps
Want to learn from the BEST? Our awesome GCISD coaches are running super cool sports camps all summer long! No matter what your age or skill level, we've got a sport for you. Get ready to run, jump, and score your way to an amazing summer! It's your chance to learn new skills, make new friends, and become a sports legend!
Athletic Summer Camps are continuously added throughout the spring and into summer.
More Summer Program Opportunities
Dream Camp: (Elementary Summer School): Language acquisition for emergent pre-K and kindergarten bilingual students. Eligible students should have received an invitation for registration on March 10.
Administrator: Alejandra Paniagua. Email: dreamcamp@gcisd.net
Courses for Middle School Students: Any student who has completed grade 6, 7, or 8 is considered a middle school student. Registration opens on March 24, 2025.
Principal: Jeff Mishoe (jeff.mishoe@gcisd.net).
Secondary Summer School (High School): Designed to support current students in grades 9-12 with credit recovery courses and select course acceleration. Registration opens on March 24, 2025.
Principal: Jeff Mishoe (jeff.mishoe@gcisd.net).
Summer Bridge: Designed to support current students in On-Level or Advanced Math and/or Science for success in Accelerated Math and/or Science. Registration opens on March 24, 2025.
Summer Programs Contact Information
For questions about specific programs, please see the contact listed on the program’s section. For all other questions, please contact:
Dr. Tiffany Cunningham
Director of Summer School Programs
Robin Robbins
Summer Programs Admin. Assistant
Are you in need of an income tax receipt? Please email Robin Robbins. Please include your students, first and last name, and ID number. Please allow seven business days for processing.
Please remember that for the safety of our students and staff, doors to GCISD facilities remain locked. Entry for all summer programs is available from the main entrance of our summer programs locations. Please push the intercom button located near the front door and designated campus personnel will respond.