Self Harm
These resources cannot take the place of counseling, but you may find that they offer helpful insight into the dynamics of self-injury and the healing process. For more support or assistance in finding a local counselor, please get in touch with your child's school counseling department.
Cornell Research Program on Self-Injurious Behavior
Cornell University has been a front-runner in the field of self-injury. This site offers access to respected research and resources.
S.A.F.E. Alternatives 1-800-DONTCUT (1-800-366-8288)
This site offers free resources and information, as well as access to research articles and additional resources available for sale (including Spanish materials).
Parent NSSI
This is an online presentation created and shared by Mary Beers, LCSW, a social worker in Austin I.S.D., with the purpose of educating parents about NSSI (Non Suicidal Self Injury). This presentation is a Prezi. The link should take you to it directly on your computer. Prezi is an app that can be downloaded to your tablet if you prefer to watch the presentation on your device.
Vann, L. (2014). A Caregiver's Guide to Self-Injury. Dallas, TX: World Gumbo Publishing.
Reviews of this book:
"Finally a book that helps readers better understand what self injury is and how to be a positive support for their loved one. In this book, Lori Vann is astutely mindful of not just the self injurer's journey to healing but the family's as well." Nanette Rousseau, LPC
"Lori Vann has broken through the myths and misperceptions, to assist in understanding the dark emotions that surround self-injury. She provides caregivers, loved ones, and professionals with the vital tools needed to help those who suffer from this dangerous and widespread problem." Tiana Gooden, LCSW
Shapiro, L.E. (2008). Stopping the pain: A Workbook for Teens who Cut & Self-injure. Oakland, CA: Instant Help Books.
A note from the author to teens reading the book:
"If you want to stop hurting yourself, this workbook can help you:
Understand why you hurt yourself
Find better ways to handle difficult feelings
Control your desire to hurt yourself
Make a commitment to stop hurting yourself and get the right kind of support you need from the people who care about you." (p. vii)