GCISD Quick Facts
Student Enrollment - 13,521 (updated: 03/25/2025)
Employees - 1,892 (updated: 03/25/2025)
Number of Schools - 17 traditional, 2 alternative, 1 early college high school and 1 virtual (Full List)
Area Served - Grapevine, Colleyville, and portions of Hurst and Euless (iUniversity Prep is open to students across the state)
Graduation Rate - 97.8%
Average Years' Experience of Teachers - 12.2
Teachers with Advanced Degrees - 31.6%
Student Ethnicity
African American - 7.53%
Asian - 10.34%
Hispanic - 27.44%
Native American - 0.29%
Pacific Islander - 0.24%
White - 48.71%
Two or More - 5.44%
Tax Rate - $0.9233 per $100 (Additional Financial Information)
First School - Built in 1869 by Masonic Lodge
First Superintendent Hired - 1928
Governing Body - Seven-member elected Board of Trustees
Bond - $150 million bond measure passed by patrons in May 2024 (Additional Bond Information)