Public Speaking 

Public participation is scheduled as part of each Board of Trustees meeting.

To be eligible to speak, speakers must sign up using the online form. Individuals may not sign up in person at the time of the meeting.

Sign-up begins when the agenda is posted. To provide staff with sufficient time to organize a report of speakers for the presiding officer, the deadline to submit your request to speak is 3:30 p.m. on the day of the special board meeting, or 1.5 hours before the meeting begins. Speakers will provide their name, contact information (including physical address), and the topic of their comments. Speakers must attend the meeting in person.

Click here to sign up to speak during the public comment portion of the March 10 special board meeting.

Speakers who cannot access the online submission form may still sign up before the deadline by visiting the GCISD administrative offices at 3051 Ira E. Woods Ave.