Please use the menu on the left side of the screen to find more information about the following topics:
Our Vision: Read about the GCISD mathematics vision and mission.
Parent/Student: This link will provide information about how you can engage your child in mathematics at home as well as information regarding mathematics in the district.
Math Telescoping: This is a local service by which GCISD provides qualifying students instruction in mathematics above their enrolled grade level.
Summer Math Programs: Each summer, we provide summer bridging opportunities for students looking to make the jump from 6th or 7th accelerated or 7th accelerated or Algebra 1.
STEM in GCISD: This will take you to the GCISD STEM webpage
Instructional Videos: This page provides links to Khan Academy and other videos for topics in mathematics
Director of Mathematics
Emily Powell
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Mathematics
Courtney Gatewood