Grapevine High Updates
HVAC Replacement (Completed)
Site Improvements
Replace Venting Hood in Kitchen
Replace Sheet Rock Ceiling in Kitchen
Replace Condenser Pumps
Replace AHU’s
Replace Control Air Compressors
Replace Failing Railroad Tile Retaining Walls
5 New AED
Add Fusible Link to Fire Rated Doors
Install Heating Boilers and Pump
HVAC Updates
Replace Aging Stage Lift Station
Allowance to Modernize 2 Elevators
Roof Replacement
Replace WC Chiller
Replace Recirculating Pumps
Replace Outdated Transformers
Replace Outdated Switches
Replace Outdated Distribution Panels
Replace Gas Fire Water Heaters
Replace HVAC Diffusers
Replace 2 Outdated A/C Units
Replace 3 Outdated Rooftop A/C Units
Replace Gas Fired Heaters in Weight Room
Library Allowance
Install Accordion Style Doors
Safety and Security
Accessible Seating in GHS Gym
ADA Ramp Repair
Install Standalone Fire Alarms
Additional Cameras in Parking Lot
Additional 8 New Cameras in Stairwells
Add Fire Alarm System for Tennis Clubhouse
Student Support
Choir, Concert Band, Dance and Marching Band Uniforms