Back to School Resources
Welcome back to GCISD for the 2024-2025 school year! Check out the District's back-to-school resources to help you navigate starting a new school year. For updates about a specific campus, please check its website and social media pages. This page will be updated as more information becomes available.
Returning Student Registration
Returning student registration is open. While parents are able to register up until the first day of school, the district is trying to gather enrollment numbers as early as possible for planning purposes. Prior to completing online registration, students enrolling in pre-kindergarten must have completed a separate online application, which may be found here.
New Student Registration
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open for new students, including pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students. To register a new student click here. Prior to completing online registration, students enrolling in pre-kindergarten must have completed a separate online application, which may be found here.
Code of Conduct and Handbook
GCISD's Student-Parent Handbook contains information that students, parents and staff are likely to need during the school year. In addition, both students and parents should be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct, which includes the Dress Code.
Dress Code
Grapevine-Colleyville ISD dress standards are established to prevent disruption and support the safety of all students, staff and campus visitors. All students are expected to dress in a respectful manner within the acceptable standards of the educational community.
School Calendar
Check out the student calendars for the 2024-2025 school year.
School Supply List
View the 2024-2025 school supply list. There is a list for elementary campuses broken down by grade level and another for secondary students.
School Hours
As students head back to school, please verify your child's school start and end times. For additional details regarding lunch schedules for each school, please reach out to the respective campus.
Bus Transportation
Bus service is available for students who reside more than two miles from their designated school. Eligibility for regular student bus service is determined by a two mile measurement taken from the campus to the address of the student. Click here to learn about SMART Tag, a safety measure for bus riding students.
Attendance Reminders
Attendance matters! Absences from class may result in serious disruption of a student’s learning and educational experiences. Parents and students are encouraged to avoid unnecessary absences. Two important state laws govern attendance. In efforts to promote student attendance and learning, please check out the attendance page to read reminders and updates to GCISD attendance requirements.
Vaping Reminders
Effective September 1, 2023, Texas House Bill 114 requires a student to be placed in the DAEP if the student possesses, uses, or is under the influence of, or sells, gives, or delivers marijuana, THC, or an e-cigarette to another person within 300 feet of school property or at a school-related event. The District encourages all families to talk with their students regarding the dangers associated with vaping or drug usage.
Technology Support
To achieve the district's goals and mission, Technology Services seamlessly integrates cutting-edge technology into all aspects of students' and staff's academic lives. To achieve this process, the district offers help desk options for students and staff. If you need technology support, please utilize the GCISD Help Desk or the Student Help Desk.
Students must be in compliance with the immunization requirements listed in order to attend school. See the Student Parent Handbook for more detailed information about immunization requirements and exemptions.
When your child receives immunizations please submit a copy of the immunization record so the school nurse can update the school records.
Sickness Protocols
Please use the following guidelines to help determine when your child should stay home from school due to illness. These guidelines are to protect all GCISD students, staff and families.
Applications for free and reduced-price meals are now available. Complete yours today to have your paperwork in time for the start of the school year.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Extended Day Program
GCISD's Extended Day Program (EDP) offers a high quality before and after school program for students in Pre-K through 5th grade. EDP provides structured expanded learning opportunities to help our students grow. Our kiddos will make new friendships, discover new & fun ways of learning, and create a lifetime of memories!
Volunteer Background Check
Whether you volunteer with your child's classroom, your school's field day or in any capacity in connection with our partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters, you must complete the following Volunteer Background Authorization form online.
All volunteers are required to reapply each year.
Stadium Expectations
Back to school means that football is back! GCISD looks forward to a fantastic season with many celebrations. For safety and security purposes of all attendees, protocols are in effect at Mustang-Panther Stadium (MPS) for all varsity games. Click here to learn about game day expectations.
Download the GCISD App
Did you know that GCISD has its own app? The app is your one-stop-shop for all things GCISD. The Rooms feature allows you to chat with your student's teachers. The event section shows a list of events throughout the district and you can select your student's school within the app. The Live Feed is where you'll find updates from the administration about what's going on in the district right now. Never miss a thing by downloading the new app.
Apple- https://tinyurl.com/gcisd-apple